Friday 8 November 2013

Why I don't understand 'Religious' People.

There is something deeply irritating about false people.

By false I am not referring to 'fake', please do not mistake the two. 'Fake' are people who pretend they are something they are not, whereas 'false' people live out an entire new personality due to one little experience (which they probably blew out of proportion) and generally believe that this new personality is truly their own.

Now, usually it wouldn't bother me, people have every right to do as they please and I have every right to cut them out of my life as I please but its when the way they act starts to involve you in a way that you cannot control.

In case you haven't guessed it, I am talking about the 'oh suddenly I'm so religious, and I need to save you from the depths of hell' type people.

When I was younger, people trying to find out what is wrong with me, diagnosing the way I practice my spirituality as incorrect and then trying to fix me was single handedly the one thing that drove me insane. Mainly because it made me doubt myself, and inevitably I felt like a bad person.

But lately this stopped bothering me at all, I realized that for most of these people its about getting as many people on board with them as possible so that they can affirm their beliefs.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think all religious people are false - I just think that the ones who are truly religious and content with their beliefs don't need to go around and get people 'on board' with them because they are what they are.

What gets me however is that some of these 'newly found' religious people are so fixated on practicing the fundamental aspects of their religion, that they lose sight of the actual meaning, and they hold an arrogant demeanor about themselves for following the fundamentals.

Take Islam as an example, the Prophet Mohamed said that 'He who holds even an atoms weight in arrogance in his heart will never enter Paradise'.

He also used to wear clothing that just loosely touched his ankles (they didn't drag by the floor) - It is known in Islam to be forbidden for men to wear clothing that drags by the floor (such as the pope does with his cloak) as it is considered a sign of superiority. The prophet also had a beard.

So these newly found religious people are very good at growing beards, and wearing short trousers - but when it comes to being kind, talking to women without objectifying them for their clothing or never being arrogant, its like these basic things don't count!

Its like their appearance somehow makes them better than everyone else!

They use their new religious platform to act in ways that the prophet would never allow and frankly, what irritates me more about the middle east is that people immediately respect those who dress that way before even knowing them!!