Tuesday 1 November 2016

Why the Pu**y grab won't budge Trump Supporters

Was there ever any doubt in your mind that Donald Trump is a misogynist?
Do you think his supporters don't know that the modern term for the way he thinks about women is deemed by what they call 'liberals' as misogyny?

Do you think that Trump supporters and Trump himself see misogyny as a bad thing? Male and female?

One of the things that shocked me in my early twenties while working on women's rights was that the greatest opposition for gender development came from the marginalized group themselves - women.

Women raised in misogynistic communities are taught early on to live vicariously through the men. Instead of wanting to become leaders, they are taught it is their achievement to be on the arm of a leader, or better still the mother of one. Instead of being free to make whatever choice they please about their bodies they are encouraged to isolate women who do yet value men who explore. Instead of being taught that men are responsible for their actions and women are responsible for their actions they are taught that woman are responsible for their actions and women are sometimes responsible for the actions of men. So it's hardly surprising that men raised in such societies end up genuinely believing they are superior. They respect no woman, except their mother. An exception I still can't quite figure out the reason for.

And so it comes as no shock that Donald Trump's version of 'Locker Room Talk' is the rest of the planets definition of sexual exploitation and harassment.

Yet, a statement so bold, so revealing, so telling, is dismissed by both men and women in the Trump camp not because they don't think its wrong; but because for so long they've been taught that men think this way, and women should just get over it.

When it comes to discrimination in America, the closer you are being a white, Christian and male, the less you will experience - but when you are a white Christian male, there comes the element of positive discrimination, where not only are all your behaviours excused and tolerated far more than anyone else who does the same, your behaviour is actually tolerated far more than what is socially accepted as being reasonable. After this antic I wondered, what if Trump wanted to be kicked off the race? Is there really anything he could do? Besides step down, there really is nothing a while Christian male American can do that will get him kicked out ...

Along with the anti-Hillary rhetoric, Trump supporters also feel that the mainstream media is oppressing Trump, with YouTube ads encouraging youth to vote including virtually not republican representatives. It is fair to say that the media overwhelmingly disapproves of Trumps antics, which works to his favour while he plays the oppressed card.

There is a way to stop Trump, but its not by exposing his misogyny, racism, discrimination or political inexperience (which in itself is very telling). It is by simply revealing the truths about the correlations his supporters are so loyal to him by.

'Trump is a successful business man, he will fix the economy'
'Trump will get rid of Obama Care'
'Trump knows what he's doing, he's gonna get the Muslims out until we know what to do'

Successful business man? a man who was loaned one million dollars by his father, yet still couldn't sustain a business? You want to trust him with the economy?
A man who hires foreign labour and materials because its cheaper? You want to trust him with providing jobs for you?
A man who filed for bankruptcy numerous times?

A man who has exploited the system because he is the typical demographic that benefits from the system - and now you want him to lead you?

Trump supporters are the very people stepped on by people like Trump, on his way to the top, yet they genuinely believe that he will make them somehow richer, safer and healthier?

Rich men don't get richer by giving you their money.

Trump looks out for Trump. He has no clue how others think or feel and cares not for it. You vote him in, you better learn to live vicariously, because you can guarantee he won't do anything for the countries gain that might be to his detriment.

In the words of my good friend, should Trump become president, America will have it's most powerful vice to date.

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